Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Carmelo stays in NY, does he deserve his contract?

Carmelo Anthony has officially resigned with the New York Knicks. He received a 5 year $129 
million deal. But was he deserving of this? 

Yes, he scores a lot, averaging 27.4 points per game. But his teams always fail at some point, and he doesn't seem like a #1 guy to rely championships on. He was ridiculous in college, leading Syracuse to the '03 title, but in his pro days he hasn't been able to win. He talks about how he wants to win, but also talks about how he wants to be a Knick for life. Well Carmelo, if you really wanted to win now, you would have left the Knicks for more of a contender, and not put yourself through a rebuild process. Last season the New York Knicks were a disaster, missing the playoffs in the weak Eastern Conference at a 37-45 record. Carmelo opted out of his contract and was expected to leave New York to go win like he said he wanted to. But, he came back to a rebuild process and a boatload of money. My point here is that Melo doesn't REALLY care about winning, and his main pursuit as a basketball player is to get all the money he can. With this mentality of money and not winning, his legacy may be hindered by him not having a ring. If Carmelo absolutely needed a ring and wanted to win, he would take less money to go to a big time contender such as Houston, Chicago, etc. Anthony scores, and scores, and scores. But what else? His defensive ability lacks, and he never passes the ball. Almost like a poor mans Kobe Bryant. He is a complementary player to a superstar like Durant or LeBron. He will aid those stars in scoring points and absolutely can help teams win, if he has others around him. He is a great player, but not a franchise player. He can definitely make his scoring impact and help teams do well, but doesn't deserve his max contract and doesn't deserve to be the face of a franchise. I can guarantee that Carmelo Anthony doesn't win with the Knicks unless they brought in a superstar for a max deal. (which won't happen due to his contract) He can't carry a team like he did in his college days, simply because the NBA is a different beast. The bottom line is, if Carmelo really cared about winning, he would have left NY for a contender. Instead, he stayed for a contract that he wasn't deserving of. He scores a lot of points and is a great, non max contract player. He just can't lead a franchise to a title. 

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